Methods To Stop Drinking Alcohol – Find Out Natural Hints To Quit Consuming Beer Easily


How to maintain sobriety when the people around you are consuming alcohol

Like everything is life it is not easy to change behavior even when it is in your best interest. The more you practice new behaviors  more likely it is that they will become habits. Write down  benefits of what you are experiencing. You do not have to accept alcohol each time someone offers you one. If you do decide to have an alcoholic beverage try to imbibe soda or juice after every cocktail.  As you begin cutting down on drinking gradually take more days to not drink every week (how to give up drinking alcohol on your own). On the days that you don’t drink think about how you feel. Sometimes you will stumble and have a drink but don’t be too hard on yourself as mistakes happen. Continue on your path and use your relapse experience to assist you learn how to stick with your plan this time.    Just keep trying if you do not reach your objective  first time.

 Find out what things cause you to drink beer and how to resist them

quit-drinking-alcohol-23Be aware that there are temptations that could interfere with your mission to live a sober life. Distance yourself from people who don’t support your efforts to quit drinking.  By making your life free of beer you could better reach sobriety.  Spend time with people who support your desire to stop using alcohol. Don’t put yourself in an atmosphere that serves drink or if you can’t avoid it drink a soda or virgin beverage. Be a social butterfly when you are in alluring environments so that you could keep your mind off  liquor while socializing.  Have an alcohol free drink instead of booze if you find yourself in a place that serves drinks. If your friends want to meet up at a bar try to go to place with food or games so you can busy yourself with them instead of alcohol.  Clean out your bar at home by giving  liquor away or dumping it down the drain.   If drinking has been a routine after work or before going to bed make a conscious effort to change that routine.

 You could defeat your dependency on beer and give up drinking with written goals

Reflect candidly on your situation and realize that liquor has become a burden.Visualize in your mind the task you have at hand and where you want to see yourself after you’ve completed it. Select a sobriety start date and realize that it is an extraordinary day in your life. Create a card with your motivations to give up drinking written down on it and keep it in your purse or wallet. If your friends and family drink ask them to support your recovery by not doing so in front of you (click here to discover how you can give up drinking). Don’t be scared to tell friends that you may not be able to attend events where liquor is being served. Surround yourself with positive influences and people who make you feel good about yourself. Take care of yourself and value your body and your life. When you are feeling hopeless and alone try calling a hotline to receive support and encouragement. Prepare yourself for  mental and physical difficulties you may face and realize that it will get easier with time.

Alcohol addiction can be a very complex situation and requires different approaches

If you are searching for something different in your alcohol recovery plan you have options. Secular Organizations for Sobriety is an international organization that takes a science-based tactic to recovery from alcoholism. SOS is similar to AA in that it is a network of independent meetings with a recovery method. The philosophy of SOS credits you for achieving and maintaining your own sobriety without relying on any Higher Power. Another option for support is Self-Management and Recovery Training also known as SMART recovery. Similar to SOS this program known as SMART Recovery focuses on self-directed change. Because SMART Recovery is centered on cognitive behavioral therapy it is primarily concerned with cognitive processes and contents. Through focusing on goal-oriented and explicit systematic procedures CBT is especially applicable for alcohol abuse (methods to stop drinking alcohol). The benefit of how CBT works is that it focuses on how you can change and improve the way you think and act even if  situation does not change. The role of a CBT therapist is to listen and encourage while your role is to express your concerns  and implement what you learn.