How Can I Quit Drinking Alcohol – Find Out Guaranteed Truths To Stop Drinking Alcohol Fast


Learn how to complete a plan to help you quit consuming liquor forever

Be honest with yourself about  role and damage that alcohol has had in your life. Understand that it will be a hard passage into sober living and toughen your resolve. Pick out a significant date to quit and commemorate it as a special day in your journey. Make a list of  reasons you want to stop drinking alcohol and post it in a place where you could see it often. Let friends and family members and co-workers know that you’re trying to stop drinking. Be upfront about your new limits with others and let them know how they could help you to be successful. Stay invested in other people and your community which will assist you stay motivated and on the recovery track. Concentrate on eating right and getting plenty of sleep to prevent mood swings and combat cravings (how to quit drinking alcohol). When you are feeling hopeless and alone try calling a hotline to receive support and encouragement. Prepare yourself for  mental and physical difficulties you may face and realize that it will get easier with time.

 Read  ways to stay sober and sane in your alcohol-free voyage

It has often been said that alcohol recovery is a process and not an event. Rewards are critical to the overall recovery process as they could help you to stay motivated. Giving yourself rewards from time to time for not consuming is an important part of recovery that is too often disregarded. How often you reward yourself depends on what you need to stay motivated. Rewarding yourself for not consuming could become much easier when you use  money that was once spent on liquor to do something else. Use  money you would have spent on drinking to do something fun with your family or friends. If you have taken up a new hobby as part of your sobriety plan you could take  extra money and purchase something related to your hobby (click here to go to website). Make sure whatever activity you choose it does not have anything to do with drinking and will not place you in a location where you’ll be tempted to drink. Look into purchasing a talisman of sorts so that once  urge to drink sinks in you can see or feel your symbol of sobriety.  Do not ignore  importance of giving yourself  credit you fully deserve for possessing the strength necessary to give up drinking.

 Read how dual-diagnosis support could assist you stop consuming alcohol now

quit-drinking-alcohol-05Other support groups have different philosophies about drug addiction treatment and recovery if that’s what you are looking for. If you are experience co-occurring disorders or dual diagnosis you should seek out a support groups specifically catered to those needs. Individuals who experience a dual diagnosis often have problems with substance addiction and may also experience a range of psychosocial issues. Each illness has symptoms that hinder with an individual’s ability to function effectively. At times the symptoms could overlap and even mask each other making diagnosis and treatment more difficult. You may sincerely try to recover from one illness and not acknowledge the other. The majority of people with unknown mental disorders try to fix how they’re feeling with alcohol or drugs. Perhaps  greatest tragedy is the damage that occurs to the individual’s self-esteem as they try and fail to stop their alcohol abuse. Because your ability to function and handle life’s difficulties depends on your health mentally and physically it is a upmost importance that you treat both concerns. Dual Recovery Anonymous is a 12 Step self-help program that is based on the experiences of men and women in recovery with a dual diagnosis.

Founded in 1976 Women for Sobriety is  only national organization focusing specifically on the needs of women struggling with liquor abuse. When Jean Kirkpatrick formed WFS it was with  specific needs of alcoholic in mind. You should be able to find a WFS group easily as there exist more than 200 WFS support groups all over  world. Only women are allowed to attend the organization’s meetings as the groups focus specifically on women’s issues. The design of WFS encourages open sharing but focuses on improving self-esteem and reducing guilt rather than admitting powerlessness. The psychological needs of female alcoholics are different than for males as women tend to suffer more from low self-confidence (how can i quit drinking alcohol). The WFS program is built on thirteen affirmations encouraging members to change their self-image and by focusing on self-esteem rather than humility. The WFS approach is similar to cognitive behavioral therapy in that they believe faulty thinking causes destructive behavior. There are also elements that a woman’s sense of definition and value is strongly tied to their relationships with others. Kirkpatrick’s program encourages complete abstinence from alcohol instead of just harm reduction which is similar to AA.