How To Give Up Drinking – Quick Tactics To Stop Consuming Alcohol Quickly


Therapists are valuable assets for anyone who wants to give up alcohol

After rehab or detox you may decide that seeing a mental health professional will work to your best advantage. The success of your treatment depends on examining  way alcohol abuse has impacted you and a therapist could help you assess  changes you need to make. A psychologist could guide the family or others in helping to increase the drinker’s motivation to change. Therapy tries to break through your denial about alcohol abuse to try to get you to commit to a clean and sober lifestyle. Counseling will help to see if you are self-medicating with liquor because you are suffering from other mental health problems ( Some disorders that you may be trying to fix with liquor include depression and bipolar disorder. An outside source like a well-trained psychologist could help you see what causes you to drink and how to deal with these temptations and urges.  The psychologist could aid you and your family in your navigation of complex transitions while teaching them how to support you in recovery. To reduce beer use and minimize your problems a therapist can refer you to support groups. The prospects for successful long-term sobriety are high for people who seek help from appropriate psychologist.

 Here is a support group for exclusively for women who want to give up drinking

Founded in 1976 Women for Sobriety is the only national organization focusing specifically on  needs of women struggling with liquor abuse. Jean Kirkpatrick developed WFS because women’s recovery in AA was found to be less successful than for men. You should be able to find a WFS group easily as there exist more than 200 WFS support groups all over  world. WFS is not considered a radical feminist organization even though it only allows women to participate. WFS is similar to AA in that it encourages meditation and spirituality but sobriety is not viewed as dependent on a Higher Power. WFS considers  fundamental problem of females with alcohol dependence is low self-esteem. Members of WFS focus on responsibility instead of powerlessness and on thinking instead of surrender. Like cognitive behavioral therapy women in WFS learn to beware of negative thoughts as they arise. Newcomers to WFS are encouraged to take pride in their accomplishments regardless of how small those may be. 92 percent of WFS members believe that their state of mind is  most important factor in sustained sobriety.

 If you are ready to stop drinking liquor try yoga or meditation

Dealing with stress in a healthy way can prevent you from misusing alcohol.  Meditation can help you focus your attention and eliminate stress. The exercise of yoga may relieve stress through its controlled breathing exercises. A treatment session of guided imagery could help improve self-esteem and confidence which are things people often drink beer to find. The mental exercises involved in guided imagery could consist of you picturing  positive results of an alcohol-free state. These exercises will relax your mind and your body by releasing tension that is pent up in your muscles.  Another way to steer clear of beer is to develop new activities and interests that give you a sense of meaning.  To promote emotional well-being and stop consuming beer try to exercise more (how to stop drinking alcohol). Gaining insight into your spiritual side may be a key part in your renewal from alcohol abuse. By taking care of yourself and doing things you find fulfilling you will feel better about yourself and drinking will hold less appeal.

In order to achieve your goal of not consuming alcohol it is important to not give up

quit-drinking-alcohol-21It is very important that you continue going with your new behaviors. Persistence and repetition in new patterns will shape a constant routine.   Recording your progress and what you have achieved could provide much needed reassurance. Practice ways to say no politely to people who try to offer you a drink. If you do decide to have an alcoholic beverage try to imbibe soda or juice after every cocktail.  Pick a day or two each week when you will not drink at all. Reflect on your physical and mental state during your sober times.  Sometimes you will stumble and have a drink but don’t be too hard on yourself as mistakes happen (how to give up drinking). Relapse is a common occurrence and it is possible for you to begin anew. The majority of people do not cut down or give up drinking all at once and that is okay.